Mod Movie Monday: Murder By Death, 1976
Here's your weekly old movie suggestion! A great comedy by Niel Simon, done in the tradition of Noir mysteries.
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
The Star Dust Mysteries Publishing Blog, by Christopher Pinto: Author of Murder Behind The Closet Door • Murder on Tiki Island
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
A World Without Wonder (Bread)
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
With the recent headlines of Hostess going out of business,
many people are wondering how a company so old, so ingrained in American pop
culture could close up shop overnight. Well, it’s a sad tail of greed,
mismanagement and indifference, but that’s not what this article is about.
This article is about losing things you love.
So many of us who have a soft spot for mid-20th
century pop have had to endure icon after icon fall from grace, only to be
replaced by plastic-y, cookie cutter crap and chain-restaurant-ish dullsville
blobs of made-in-China neveau detritus. From the demolition of almost all of
America’s grand Tiki restaurants, to the destruction of the great movie
palaces; from the downfall of America’s greatest music to its bubblegum-pop hip
hop noise; we’ve seen way too many of the things that helped make America the
great country it is get plowed down and swept away to make room for cardboard
casinos and mislabeled “healthy” vitamin waters.
Hostess pies, Devil Dogs, and yes, Twinkies – although,
let’s face it, they are crap too, have stood the test of time, and have been
with us our entire lives. Personally, I’m not a big Twinkie fan. But I do enjoy
a Devil Dog now and then (our wedding cake was made from them...long story, for
another post) and like to splurge on a Hostess apple pie when I want my sugar
count to soar to give my doctor a premature heart attack.
But there is one thing that I cannot live without.
Wonder Bread.
I know, I know, many of you will say it’s the nutritional
equivalent of eating Elmer’s glue and White Out. I don’t care. It’s the only
bread I can eat a PB&J on. And it’s because that’s what I’ve always had my
PB&J on, from when I was a little kid in the know, back when
bread was bread, and Moms bought Wonder Bread because it tasted good and had
the fun polka dots on the bag.
With Hostess making headlines last week as they close the company, apparently shutting their doors forever and denying future generations of Twinkies and Devil Dogs, something occured to me:
I can’t imagine a world without Wonder Bread.
The good news is, I probably won’t have to. In today’s
society, there is a BIG difference between a successful BRAND and successful
company. The company, run by a flock of
who-the-hell-cares-as-long-as-our-bottom-line-stays-high investment firms, is worthless. The brand, however, is worth billions.
What I’m getting at is that just because Hostess the company goes out of
business, it doesn’t mean Hostess the brand will go away.
Think about Monopoly, the game that’s been around since the
1930s. It was originally made by Parker Brothers games. Do you think Parker
Bros. is still making Monopoly? Nope. Parker Brothers became part of General
Mills, which merged it with Kenner, which was bought out by Tonka, which was in
turn bought out by Hasbro. Still the same Monopoly, just a different company building it.
Same thing goes with a candy bar I really dig. I think it’s
a Philly/Jersey area thing, or at least used to be, because few people I talk
to in Florida ever heard of Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews. They disappeared about
10 years ago when a new company (Just Born) bought them out. They dropped the
Goldenberg’s name, and sales fell. But they wised up...the brought the name back,
and now I can buy Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews again, just like I did 30 years
So will it be a world without Wonder Bread? I don’t think
so. I have a feeling that great polka dot packaging and paste-like bread will
be around for a long time. I’m pretty sure Devil Dogs and Twinkies will, too,
possibly even with the name “Hostess” blazoned in red lettering across the top
of the package. In a few years, will anyone remember there was a time when that
“name” stood for a company that went out of business, and caused a blip on the
news headlines of 2012? Probably not.
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Free Kindle ebook: A Flash of Noir by Christopher Pinto
What's better than a free ebook?
A really good free ebook.
"A FLASH OF NOIR" by Christopher Pinto is available today, Sunday, May 27 & tomorrow, Monday, May 28 for FREE at Here's the link:
A Flash of Noir free ebook at
A Flash of Noir is a 5-star rated collection of flash fiction and short, short stories, laid down old-school style by Amazon bestselling master mystery writer Christopher Pinto. Writing in the genre of gumshoe detectives and sultry dames, creepy horror and hep cat jive, Pinto has put together a series of mostly one-page, 60-second reads that will transport you to another time...a darker, more sinister time.
From smokey bars in New York City to the tropical islands of the Florida keys, A Flash of Noir takes you for a spin through the seediest gin joints and darkest alleys. One minute you're speeding down I-95 in a hot rod, the next you're tasting cheap whiskey in a basement tap room where the women are heartless and the men are unforgiving. Gangsters, cops, private eyes, strippers, murderers, a few comedy pieces to keep you from wanting to slit your wrists.

Over 40 stories of crime fiction, ghost stories, retro fiction and short beatnik poetry plus noir-esque original photographs by the author make this a fast, fun read. There's even a flash written entirely of song titles...see if you can list every one!
Pinto is author of the new, up-and-coming Detective Bill Riggins paranormal mystery series, of which Murder Behind the Closet Door and Murder on Tiki Island have already been met with rave reviews. Murder Under the Boards, The Atlantic City Murder Mystery is due out next...soon. For more information on the series and the author, visit Stardust Mysteries Publishing at
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
A Flash of Noir
Murder Under the Boards (coming Soon)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Review of Chumpy Walnut by Will Viharo
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Chumpy Walnut |
Chumpy Walnut
written by Will Viharo
202 Pages (paperback)$15.00 Paperback, $3.99 Kindle
ISBN-10: 0557600375
ISBN-13: 978-0557600373
ISBN-13: 978-0557600373
Master Neo-Noir writer Will Viharo is known for his extreme,
iconic, sci-fi-blood-bath-sex-party-mystery-insanity books with a retro cocktail
kick, but he has a dirty little secret: When he was young, he wrote a very
different kind of story, one that’s both heartwarming and highly original. This
is the story of Chumpy Walnut, a little guy trying to make it in a big, cruel
The first thing I noticed about this story was that from the
first paragraph Viharo creates a very distinct mood, something you can’t quite
put your finger on but you know is there. The best way I can describe it is as
a mix between Guys and Dolls and Little Red Riding Hood, giving the reader a
sense of another, ambiguous time, and of a place that is strange yet oddly
familiar all at once.
The story seems mostly lighthearted, but once you get to
know the characters and see the trials they endure, it quickly turns into a
journey for Chumpy and the people he meets along the way. There are some heavy
moments, offset by some very funny, vaudeville-ish humor. And unlike most of
Viharo’s other books (which will probably get an X rating when they hit the big
screen) this book is appropriate for teens and adults (I don’t think there was
a single four-letter word, and no explicit sex or gore scenes in this one.)
The writing flows very nicely, coercing you to keep reading,
egging you on to find out what will happen next to the poor little guy who just
doesn’t seem to ever get a break in life. Yet with all his hardships, he
realizes just how lucky he is to have the family and friends that he comes to
rely on. I feel this story parallels that of many people, in one way or
another, which makes it easy to identify with Chumpy no matter how different he
seems to be.
Viharo wrote this story many years ago, then dusted it off
and re-edited it more recently, no doubt incorporating some of the writing
techniques he learned over the years; however the story still rings of a young,
ambitious writer, full of excitement and expression. It’s a real treat to read
such an early work from an established writer.
Chumpy Walnut will appeal to many people on many levels, but
I believe people who enjoy the works of authors like Damon Runyon and Raymond
Chandler will find this book to their liking most of all. The style is
characteristic of a by-gone era, and the reader must keep in mind that “voice”
to fully enjoy this book.
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet DoorMurder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Woman in Black, Starring Daniel Radcliffe: Retro Movie Review
Hammer Productions is back, and spookier than ever, baby!![]() |
"One of the posters for "The Woman in Black". If this doesn't look like a 1950's Hammer movie know what does." |

The Story (no spoilers): Radcliffe plays a man who is constantly tormented by the loss of his wife (in childbirth), yet hangs on to take care of his son (who seems to be around six). Working for a law firm in London around 1910 or so, he is sent to a secluded village to take care of the estate and mansion of a woman recently deceased. He soon finds that the villagers do not like strangers (of course), warn him against going to the secluded mansion (of course), and blame him for some misfortunes that occur while he is in town (of course). He ignores them all, goes to the mansion, and the ghost story begins.

The Atmosphere (tiny little spoilers, nothing to worry about): Honestly, I don't know if the director did this intentionally or if it is just a happy coincidence, but this movie has the look, feel and overall creepiness of the OLD Hammer films of the 1950s and 60s, while being well-filmed with modern techniques. In other words it looks great, has a great retro feel but doesn't look "dated". The lighting effects are perfect in every scene, being just dark enough to be spooky while you can actually see what's going on. The phantoms are realistically scary, the special effects aren't overdone.
Why does it have that old-time Hammer feel? Well, for one thing, the film includes some of the same stylistic elements that the old classics embraced: A very convincing "haunted mansion", set far off from the rest of the world, at the end of a long winding road that cuts through the marsh and gets flooded out at every high tide. There are long shots of the road, both dry and flooded. There village is sublimely gray and gloomy, and every building is made of stone, adding to the Gothic feel. Horse-drawn wagons appear out of the fog. A spooky, dilapidated graveyard sits next to the house. Creepy antique toys and dolls fill the nursery, and seem to "come to life". And there are plenty of shots of lavish 19th century homes, furnishings, trains and people to set the mood.
Daniel Radcliffe: Does a bang-up job in his first starring role outside of the Harry Potter series. There's really not a lot of dialog for most of the movie, and Radcliffe pulls off his emotions with facial expressions and body language that is not overdone. I, like most people, went into this movie fearing he would just act like an older Harry Potter. Not so. The only connection is that his character had the same kind of dread for life, except played to the extreme.
Harry Potter References? (Spoiler Alert!): There were three references that I noticed in the flick that seemed to be inside jokes for Harry Potter fans. Now, I don't know if these were intentional...I may be stretching it...but, A) He falls asleep on a train, in a booth facing the booth across from him. When he awakens there's someone sitting across from him; the shot looks just like one of the Hogwarts Express scenes (I'll let you decide which one). B) When he gets a room in the attic at the Inn, there's a Myna bird in a cage. The cage is nearly identical in style to Harry's owl's cage. And C) when he first goes to the mansion, he is seen coming out of a closet with papers...the closet is built in under the staircase. Now, it seems to me they didn't have to put that scene in...but they did.
Audience Reaction: We went to a 7:45 show on a Saturday Night at The Sawgrass Mall in South Florida. So of course, there were about a million teenage girls that came just to see Harry Potter. Well, they got a hell of a surprise when things started jumping out at them. Screaming, laughing, screaming again, the audience was eating it up.

Why you should see it: This movie is pure fun, and isn't above some musical stabs and sudden flashes of scary faces to make you jump out of your seat. It's not a particularly deep story, so if you miss a few lines of dialog because someone was screaming, it won't matter much. The shots of the mansion, causeway, and village are classic horror film Noir and the movie is definitely worth watching on a big screen. For those of you who dig retro-style horror films, you'll really enjoy all the little nuances that make this film as fun as the old Hammer films of the mid-20th century.

One last note: There is almost no blood in this movie. This is a film that relies on screwing with you mind, with your sense of perception, and your ability to try not to jump when a big black crow comes flying out at you. I think a lot of people will say that this movie isn't so great, because of that. But let me assure you, there's a decent body count, the overall mood of the movie is spooky as hell, and it will have you in suspense until the final minute of the flick. Watch the trailer, and you'll see some of the "long shots" that I was talking about, along with some fast clips of the mansion and the people who make this a very spooky, old-fashioned horror movie.
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The King of Marvin Gardens, 1972 for Mod Movie Monday, Atlantic City Style
Mod Movie Mondays are BACK at Tiki Lounge Talk!
This week,
The King of Marvin Gardens, 1972 for Mod Movie Monday, Atlantic City Style
starring Jack Nicholson. Filmed in Atlantic City, it's a great time capsule of the world's playground before the introduction of casinos.
Photos, video, stories at Tiki Lounge Talk!
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
This week,
The King of Marvin Gardens, 1972 for Mod Movie Monday, Atlantic City Style
starring Jack Nicholson. Filmed in Atlantic City, it's a great time capsule of the world's playground before the introduction of casinos.
Photos, video, stories at Tiki Lounge Talk!
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Writing a new book: Where to start?
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Christopher Pinto, Rat Packer |
The holidays always throw a wrench into my writing machine. I go absolutely bananas at Halloween, spending most of my free time in September and October decorating for a huge party I throw. Then I have to take all that decor down by Thanksgiving, then there's Christmas...It just leaves little time for me to write.
Well, it's late January. All the Christmas stuff is packed away, and I have no more excused.
So, where do I start? How does a person get back into swing of writing every day?
Well, first off, I have two pretty good ideas in the hopper, "Murder Under the Boards, The Atlantic City Murder Mystery" and "Murder Over The Airwaves", both featuring Detective Bill Riggins, the hero of my previous two books. I've started both, I have a basic outline for both (in my head), but that's about it. Now what?
Snapping out of it
The past few weeks, I've felt like I'm kind of in a fog, just sort of existing. The days go by at work, the nights go by and home and I don't feel like I've accomplished anything. So, I've tried a few things to "snap out of it".
First, I tried huge amounts of caffeine. I thought that might jump start things. It did a little, and I managed to get some notes down, but that's all.
You never know where you'll find inspiration to write. |
Second, I tried my old pal, booze. Now, I'm not saying any of you should go out and get plastered, hoping it would get your creativity flowing. But it is a fun way to pass the time, when you're not in the mood to write. And, for me, it paid off...It got me in the mood to write this. So if there are a lot of typos, you'lkl nokw whyy.
The next step will be to find some inspiration. You never know where inspiration will come from. With the first book I wrote, the inspiration came from moving to Florida from south Jersey. With the second, it came from a combination of things, including visits to the Florida Keys, to some very kool Tiki bars, and from a friend that happened to be going through some crazy stuff in her life. The elements all came together and Murder on Tiki Island practically wrote itself.
I wonder where the inspiration for the next book will come from. And I wonder when. Seems like I'm going to need a shot soon, something really exciting or life-changing or just plain fun to get me back on track.
-Christopher Pinto, author of
Murder Behind The Closet Door
Murder on Tiki Island
Tiki Lounge Talk
(This blog was written late at night after a few cocktails. It is unedited, and hasn't even been proofed. It's just some stuff off the top of my head - so if there are some typos, or something sounds out of whack, just let me know in the comments and I'll fix it. =CP)
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